On January 12, 2010 was held the prestigious Award for Sustainable Transportation by The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP). The entry to make it through was, the only Asian nomination, Janmarg the BRT System from Ahemdabad!
This is the first complete BRTS in India and the entire South of Asia. For such a mechanism to be recognized at an international level, amongst 4 other nominee means a high level of proficiency and city management. The system includes - electronic fare collection, central control, level boarding, pre-pay stations and segregated lanes.
India houses 18% of the world's population thus this development is a marvelous example to curb air pollution through transportation and provides a great deal of encouragement.
I happened to read an article about the nomination of the BRTS in The Khaleej Times dated January 1, 2010 and its been a matter of content to learn of the result.
Janmarg Route
Links to the 2 photos - http://www.itdp.org/images/ebulletin/janmarg3_large.jpg and http://ahmedabadbrts.com/About_JanMarg.html